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Our offer for companies

Do you wish to engage/educate your staff to responsible waste management and sustainable consumption? We offer different options and services fully adapted to your needs.

Stands for your events

Our stands are designed for any type of events organized at your company: sustainability week, staff day, team buildings, afterworks, etc.

They are designed for all members of your staff and deal with topics related to waste and natural resources management. Depending on your needs and requirements, we will advise you on the most suitable option.

Workshops and trainings

Our corporate trainers operate on site for a workshop or a training on a defined theme as per your requisite (e.g.: waste reduction, responsible consumption, etc.).

Our intervention ranges from a couple of hours to a full day depending on the desired context and format (number of people, objectives, etc.).

Audit and adapted solutions

Does your company wish to develop or improve its approach to environment management? Acting on waste is one of the main and easiest lever you can pull.

The benefits are multiple: economical, ecological and legal. COSEDEC supports you to optimize your waste management system.

Exhibition "Resources"

Welcome this creative exhibition of seven backboards which illustrate in 3D the link between waste and natural resources.

  • Aluminum
  • Paper
  • PET bottles
  • Organic waste
  • Incinerable
  • Batteries
  • Electronic waste

The exhibition promotes discussion and awareness of the value of our everyday objects.

Business Charter

COSEDEC, with a proposal adapted to your context, supports you towards a positive change in your company.

Companies are taking more and more action towards sustainability. Some undertake large programs for a long duration, others more progressively with subsequent steps. If you wish to implement simple but efficient actions, we advise you to start with a responsible waste management.

But, how? Nowadays, to tackle sustainable management it is mandatory to reduce waste in addition to sorting of waste. We therefore, invite you to discover and adopt our responsible Business Charter.

Invite your collaborators to have a look at our user friendly platform related to good practices regarding waste sorting and reduction by visiting the web site, the Facebook page or Instagram account. Download the poster available below to spread the message by putting it up in your offices or posting in the “memo-déchets”.


Contact and informations

Our collaborator is at your disposal to answer any request.

Christine Walter-Luz
